Monday, June 28, 2010

PHASE 3 – DAY 14

OR MAYBE IT’S DAY 15. I’m not sure. Whatever it is, we only have one more week of Phase 3, then it’s on to Phase 4.

What is Phase 4? I really had no idea. Here is what my research has taught me. This phase is for the rest of our lives [unless we do another protocol] Here are the recommendations I found on one site for maintaining a healthy body weight.

1) Drink your water!!
2) Eat organic food if you can.
3) Mimimize fast food,
4) Do a Candida cleanse
5) Clean your colon and liver and do a heavy metal cleanse.
6) Do a liver cleanse.
7) Walk for one hour, outside, every day.
8) Eat! Always eat breakfast, eat something six times per day, and finish your dinner three and one-half hours before you go to bed. Avoid eating a huge meal as this overtaxes the hypothalamus
9) Eat lots of low-glycemic veggies with lunch and dinner
10) Use organic virgin coconut oil as often as possible.
11) Use organic raw apple cider vinegar as often as possible.
12) Sleep eight hours per night; ideally
13) Every day take a whole food supplement,
14) Use stevia as your sweetener of choice.
15) Get sun on a regular basis
16) Take digestive enzymes with food
17) Limit carbonated drinks.
18) Limit non-prescription, over-the-counter, and prescription drug use.

Yeah, I stopped with 18, but there were more. Many more. It was getting ridiculous. Then I found this on another site.

Phase 4 of the HCG Diet reguires you to exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet and avoid overindulging. This doesn't mean that everything eaten must be healthy - it simply means to keep everything in moderation and avoid overindulgence.

In Phase 4, you will use a scale to keep your weight within 2 pounds of your weight on the date of your last HCG injection. If you weight increase by more than 2 pounds, you will have a "Steak Day." If it drops by more than 2 pounds, you will have a "Philly Steak Day."

Now THAT I can live with!

1 comment:

  1. I like that. Less is more and a lot easier to follow. I'd hate to give up chocolate completely, but overindulging always makes me feel icky.
    By the way, in response to your comment about watching TV, my purpose was not to say that all TV is bad. Of course not. I love enjoying a good TV show or movie and it's very relaxing. But I often use it in the wrong way, and that's when I feel guilty.
