Sunday, May 2, 2010


MY HCG JOURNEY – MAY 2, 2010 [day 2]

Today I’m being more moderate. Son-in law said to use the extreme food choices to jumpstart the body into accepting the weight loss better once I start on the 500 cal diet. I’m having family over to dinner today [getting rid of things I won’t be using for the next 6 weeks]. Son-in law’s family is bringing the dessert, and I plan to have some, but after yesterday’s experience, I won’t be going overboard.

I was up two pounds today, but SIL [Son-in-law] said to expect that. I’m not freaking out over it, since I knew what to expect. It does tell me that I really need to re-set my metabolism so that it won’t kick me in the pants any time I eat something out of the ordinary.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what a HCG diet is. but 500 cals. seems like very few. Good luck with it, I'll be watching *wink*
