Monday, March 7, 2011


I haven’t written anything on this blog for a long time. I did the cleanse phase of FIT shortly before going on the cruise. I gained a couple of pounds on the cruise, but not bad. I think I did well because I took my fiber and took it every night before going to bed.

I had decided to do another round of HCG when I got home from the cruise but I haven’t started it yet. Lane wanted to wait until the first of March, but he didn’t pick up the stuff last week, so I did another round of the cleanse. I am traveling for business next week and that concerns me with the HCG. I would have to leave the meds at home and just skip a day. That might not be a bad thing though.

I am having trouble staying under 150. I have put on 7 pounds since my last injection of HCG a few months ago and I don’t like it! My lowest weight was 143 and that was fabuloso! I knew that I might not stay that low, but I never wanted to see the 150’s again. That is the biggest reason I want to do another round of HCG. I want to get back solidly into the 140’s [or lower].

I started the cleanse phase again today because I have a weigh-in on Thursday. I need to show at least a 5 pound loss and a body % loss from the last time I weighed in. If I had to weigh in today, I’d be in trouble.

AND - - I want to just S-C-H-M-A-A-K Lane these days. He has re-gained all the weight he lost on the last round of HCG. He seems to have just thrown everything he learned out the window and given up! He worked so hard to achieve his success, and now he is not trying at all. Frustrating!