Monday, September 27, 2010

DAY 22


I wish I had known this little secret over the last few years. Who knew that eating apples all day and a big juicy steak at night would drop the pounds????

According to SIL, it’s either supposed to be all apples or all steak, but we’ve found that the combination works great. Over the weekend we decided to just do two steak and apple days. Lane stayed with it more than I did, but I ate it a lot. I was down a full pound on Sunday. Lane was down two or three. It put me under a very important ‘zero’. I honesty wondered if I would ever be under that zero again. It felt fabulous!!

One danger with eating steak all the time - - - - - we’re becoming steak snobs. The little petite sirloins were great for a while, but now we are buying more expensive cuts. [we’re taking two filets on the department retreat on Wednesday.] Lane actually talked me into buying those expensive sirloin steaks from Costco on Saturday.

Another important factor is exercise. You can’t just be sedentary and expect to lose the weight. Even normal everyday activity is not enough. It needs to be a concentrated effort to move aerobically. Lane walks in the mall every morning, and if he also does other physical activities, he has better losses.

Lane talked to Jill about walking, and she tried it. She dropped 3 pounds.

I know that exercise was a missing puzzle piece for me when I was on Phase 4. I just get so stinkin’ busy! After working all day at the office, there is so much to do when I get home. [and sometimes I’m so tired I don’t WANT to do anything!] I know if I made it more of a priority I could do it. I have certainly done it in the past. I just didn’t let anything else get in the way. I need that level of commitment again.

But putting the exercise subject away for another day - - - I LOVE STEAK AND APPLES!! If you are feeling bloated or have overeaten, just spend a day eating apples and steak. It's like magic!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

DAY 16

We’re in the 3rd week of this round. I compared my weight loss with the same time period last time, and I am actually ahead of what I did in May.

Jilly is down 15 pounds, I’m down 8 and Lane is down to a weight he said he hasn’t be at for so long, he can’t even remember the last time he saw this weight. Jill was really discouraged yesterday because her loss was coming in ounces, not pounds. Today is a different story; she dropped 2 pounds today and she is feeling GOOD! She said she was so hungry yesterday that by dinnertime she knew that the tiny portion was just NOT going to cut it. She doubled her fish portion and had a green salad. It took the hunger pangs away and she was able to get through the evening much better.

This brings up a good subject. There are just some days when your body is hungry all day. Lane struggles with this when his schedule gets interrupted. Last Saturday we were driving during lunch and didn’t end up eating lunch until 3 p.m., and he just couldn’t get over the ‘hungry’ all day. I gave him a large lunch [Cabbage chili], and he had his afternoon snack 2 hours later. He ate a large steak for dinner [way over the recommended 3.5 ounces] but he just couldn’t kick the ‘hungries’ the rest of the day.

Jill is on the go a lot, and ends up in town at lunch and dinner time quite often. Yesterday she discovered that Burger King has a great salad that fits in with Phase 2 perfectly. It is a large bowl of lettuce and they put the chicken and all the toppings in separate bags so you can put on only the sides you want to add. It is called the GARDEN SALAD, and is reasonably priced.

Bottom line today: 16 days in - - and we are all in a much better place than if we were not doing this. Jill would still be 15 pounds heavier, I’d still be 8 pounds heavier, and Lane would not have seen the miraculous number on the scale today.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DAY 10

Not a long blog today, just a couple of interesting notes:

1) Lane and I made cabbage chili Monday night for dinner. It was wonderful. I will make it when we are not doing phase 2. It was extremely simple and cooked in minutes. It made so much I couldn’t eat it all. [Lane was happy to eat my leftovers as well as the extra in the pan] I’ll include the recipe at the end of the blog.

2) All three of us were ‘UP’ on Tuesday. Lane and I ate the same food for dinner, but Jill had something entirely different. Very strange. At first we thought it was the chili because both of us gained, but when Jill said she was up too, well, then it just got weird.

3) All three of us were back down today. Very strange indeed.

CABBAGE CHILI [one serving]

3.5 OZ GROUND BEEF [ Browned]
¼ CABBAGE [Chopped]
1 TOMATO [Chopped small]

[We will also add some chopped onion next time around. I didn’t have any cumin and I don’t even know what it is.]


Monday, September 13, 2010


We are one week into the new program. Lane is down 15 pounds, I’m down 6 pounds, and Jilly is down 10 pounds.

Jill said she is so excited because there is no way she ever would have lost this much weight using a more traditional method.

This time around, Jill has introduced us to boiled radishes [not as bad as you might think], and baked radish chips. Radishes are only 1 calorie per radish, so they are a great choice as an add-on.

I’m still getting really hungry between breakfast and lunch, but I expected that. That time of day has always been my worst hunger time. A nice warm herbal tea does help to kill the stomach rumbling. Late nights have been fine. It just shows me that eating late at night is more of a habit than a need.

I’m eating a lot more steak this time. I’m hoping it will help me get past the .02 and .03 ounce losses I experienced last time. Early in phase 2, the first time, I chastised a fellow HCG blogger for eating steak every day. I was pretty brutal about how I felt about that and how stupid I thought she was, since beef is higher in calories than chicken or fish. I later apologized to her in one of my blogs because I had eaten a couple of beef meals and dropped some good weight. I still don’t understand WHY it works, but I know it does. Phase 3 taught us that if our weight went up, we would do a steak and apple day and it would be back down the following day.

Jill was not on the diet at that time, but she was visiting and decided to try it. It worked so well for her she formally adopted it and began incorporating ‘Steak & Apple’ days into her life. She bought a lot of steaks to start this program because she already 'gets it'.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


We started Phase 2 on Monday, Sept 6th. We were camping at the property [and without water most of the time, it really WAS like camping!], so it was pretty easy to do a loading day. I fixed a huge breakfast of eggs, hashbrowns, muffins, and pancakes. [actually Mark-son made the pancakes].

We got really busy in the afternoon and ended up skipping lunch. I did snack a lot on ‘stuff’, but we were leaving early, so between the packing and closing up the trailer, we just didn’t eat. Also, we were all full from breakfast and no-one wanted to eat. [Jilly is doing phase 2 with us this time]

After getting home around 5 p.m., Jill and I were lucky enough to get nail appointments, so we left Lane with the girls and we dashed to Walmart. By the time we came back it was getting close to 7:00 pm and we were starving! Lane couldn’t wait for us and had eaten a hamburger with the girls. We talked him into grilling us some steaks and we had fresh corn that an IPC had given me. Jill and I finished up with a piece of Amish Friendship bread and a scoop of ice cream.

Tuesday was day 2 of the ‘loading days’. Breakfast was my normal shake, I ate in the TNI cafĂ© for lunch, and had baked Hungarian crepes. They sound better than they tasted. Lane brought home KFC chicken fried steak for dinner [yuk], and I ate m&ms before going to bed.

The ‘loading’ worked because I was up two pounds on Wednesday, which was the first day of the actual diet. I was a bit hungry during the morning but I remember that as being the most difficult time of the day for me. I did fine during the afternoon and didn’t get to my snack until 5:00 pm. We ate dinner at 6:00, then went to Salt Lake to see a grandson in the hospital. We got home about 9:30 pm and I went to bed at 10:00. I was not hungry at night.

Today I was down to my starting weight. The extra two pounds are gone. [Lane lost 6 pounds!] I had to bring both lunch and dinner to work today because my RS group is coming to view the gardens this evening. I’ll be staying here so I can greet them and show them out to the gardens. I’ll eat my dinner at my desk and just hang out until they come at 6:00.