Tuesday, November 23, 2010

PHASE 4 - NOV 23

We started Phase 4 two weeks ago, but it feels longer. I handled Phase 3 better because the rules were very defined and I knew exactly what I COULD have and what I COULDN’T have.

Phase 4 has been much harder for me. I know I can add back sugar and starch, but I’m hesitant to do so. There was a company activity on Friday where they served lunch. Sandwiches, chips, cookies [you get the idea]. I nearly panicked. I found a sandwich on whole wheat, and I did eat most of it. I had a few chips, and of course I ate the cookie! No weight gain.

We went to dinner last night for our anniversary, and I ate fried coconut shrimp, and ate one piece of bread, and enjoyed the sweet potato. Up a couple of ounces. [however, I ate some peanuts and some pudding before going to bed, so it could have been that!]

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that I need to relax and allow myself to eat normally. I don’t mean I'd go crazy with sugar, but I shouldn’t be so squirrely about eating it sometimes. Thanksgiving is coming up this week and I will be making several pies. There will be rolls, potatoes, etc, etc. I plan to enjoy the day and not stress over ‘food’. I can always hit a few Zumba classes to get rid of Turkey Day blues.

Even with the weight loss, my cholesterol is still over 200 [203], so I am taking the fiber twice a day, the omega’s 3 times a day, the vitamins twice a day, and upping my noni. I need to get that number under 200! I probably also need to cut down on the peanuts and whipping cream!

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