Tuesday, November 23, 2010

PHASE 4 - NOV 23

We started Phase 4 two weeks ago, but it feels longer. I handled Phase 3 better because the rules were very defined and I knew exactly what I COULD have and what I COULDN’T have.

Phase 4 has been much harder for me. I know I can add back sugar and starch, but I’m hesitant to do so. There was a company activity on Friday where they served lunch. Sandwiches, chips, cookies [you get the idea]. I nearly panicked. I found a sandwich on whole wheat, and I did eat most of it. I had a few chips, and of course I ate the cookie! No weight gain.

We went to dinner last night for our anniversary, and I ate fried coconut shrimp, and ate one piece of bread, and enjoyed the sweet potato. Up a couple of ounces. [however, I ate some peanuts and some pudding before going to bed, so it could have been that!]

I guess the point I’m trying to make is that I need to relax and allow myself to eat normally. I don’t mean I'd go crazy with sugar, but I shouldn’t be so squirrely about eating it sometimes. Thanksgiving is coming up this week and I will be making several pies. There will be rolls, potatoes, etc, etc. I plan to enjoy the day and not stress over ‘food’. I can always hit a few Zumba classes to get rid of Turkey Day blues.

Even with the weight loss, my cholesterol is still over 200 [203], so I am taking the fiber twice a day, the omega’s 3 times a day, the vitamins twice a day, and upping my noni. I need to get that number under 200! I probably also need to cut down on the peanuts and whipping cream!

Monday, November 8, 2010

PHASE 4 - -

Today begins the first day of Phase 4. Phase 4 is the 'back to normal' phase, where we can begin introducing sugar and starch back into our daily routine.

We had company for dinner yesterday and it was the first time in several months that I have cooked for a crowd. It went well. I cooked a turkey breast, had 3 veggies, and a quinoa salad. Lori brought mashed potatoes [because I do not have them at the house any more], and they also brought dessert.

Lane and I ate the turkey and the green beans, and I had some of the quinoa salad. We chose to make our own dessert instead of eating the brownies. We made some chocolate pudding and covered it in whipped cream. Yum.

We are still maintaining well.

I ended up in a video that was posted on a national website this week. I may not have been totally happy with being filmed, but at least I was not stressing about my weight!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

PHASE 3 - WK 3

I haven't written anything for a while, and actually there are some fun things to share. In Phase 3, we can eat whatever we want, with the exception of sugars and starches. Fats are fine, and we don't count calories.

All three of us have stabilized really well. We are all staying within a pound or two of our 'last injection day' weight. This phase is the most critical because it sets and stabilizes your metabolism.

'Mr. HCG' in my office recently shared some of his favorite things about Phase 3 with me, and wouldn't you know it, they have become some of my favorite things too! He asked me what desserts I was eating. DESSERTS????? I told him I couldn't have dessert, and he said, "Of course you can!"

The most exciting thing he shared with me was that we could have banana cream pudding, whipping cream and all! [recipe to follow] We LOVE it! He showed me a 'cream charger' and I decided to go right out and buy one. We love that too! You put a cup of cream in the container, attach a CO2 charger, and in literally 3 seconds you have fully whipped cream that does not separate. These little machines are AWESOME!
I add 1 dropper of Vanilla Cream Stevia before whipping and it flavors the whipping cream perfectly! I buy the stevia at the health food store. [and yes, you can use the heavy whipping cream]

Here are more fun things you can do on Phase 3:

Carl's Jr. - Low Carb Burger or Gilled chicken [wrapped in lettuce]
In&Out Burger - Protein Style burger [wrapped in lettuce]
Costco Chicken Salad
Rotissery Chicken - Make your own chicken salad!
Sugar Free Ice Cream - YUM [can't believe it's legal!]
Any fruit, coverd with whipped cream!
AND I ALMOST FORGOT - - Italian Place, Steak and Everything SALAD!!

And now (Drum Roll) - - - Banana [or chocolate, or butterscotch] Pudding:
1 pkg. sugar free pudding mix
1 banana
Whipped cream

Whisk pudding into 2 cups cold milk for 2 minutes. Set in fridge [5 min].
Slice 1/2 banana into bottom of cereal bowl
Spoon set pudding over sliced bananas
Slice 1/2 banana on top of pudding
Cover with whipped cream
Sprinkle with cinnamon