Tuesday, August 10, 2010

PHASE 4 – DAY 37


I saw this picture and liked the message. It may not be the most profound message of the day, but I think it has great value.

Look around you. I mean, really look around you. Go to Wal-Mart and people-watch for a few minutes. Just when you thought your problems were enormous, you see someone whose life is so much harder than yours. Maybe it’s more physically challenging, maybe they are dealing with other issues that are noticeable, but you can always find someone who is worse off than you are.

Instead of taking ourselves so seriously this week, let’s do what we know we should do. Be thankful for the abundant blessings we are given on a daily basis. Allow yourself to notice the small things that we are given, instead of focusing on the difficult or stressful things.

This blog is about weight loss, so here is something I need to focus on:

THE WEIGHT I'VE LOST – and not on the pound or two I’ve gained. I know how to lose those two pounds, so I just need to do it. Steak and apples, baby! With our daughter and her girls safely back in their own home, we can now go back to fixing the meals we normally prepare. Easy, peasy.

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