Tuesday, July 6, 2010

PHASE 4 – DAY 1 & 2

Yesterday was our first day on Phase 4. We can now add in some sugars and starches.

However - - We didn’t do much out of the ordinary yesterday. We did both have a diet soda on Sunday, but we talked about not wanting to do it on a regular basis. We were actually at the mall yesterday and Lanny was hungry, so he went to the food court to find something. He ended up not buying anything because he didn’t want fried, breaded, etc.

I thought there would be a certain amount of euphoria when we reached this milestone, but because the scale is being so nice to me, I don’t want to ruin it by eating stupid things. It really has been a lifestyle change for us. We are still eating the same things we were eating on the plan, just not weighing and measuring. [but I must say that since starting Phase 3, my peanut comsumption has gone way UP]

The ‘Steak Day’ concept really works. We were both up a pound or so over the weekend and decided to do a steak day. We had steak for lunch and for dinner, with an apple. We both dropped like rocks the following morning. It’s a great trick to have in our arsenal.

We’ll start a new Phase 2 protocol on August 1st. We should be finished with everything by the first of OCT. In the meantime, I’ll continue to blog about how we're doing at maintaining a stable weight. It's very helpful to me to be able to use these blog posts as a journal of our weight loss adventure.

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